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Dead Men Tell No Tales

Dead Men Tell No Tales


The quiet little community of Columbia was thrust into newspaper headlines in early June 1874 and again in April 1906. On both occasions, the killing of local men was the cause; and both shootings were the result of long simmering feuds on the level of the famed Hatfield and McCoy family wars.

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Roughneck Legend Reflects on Pro Career

Roughneck Legend Reflects on Pro Career


The Columbia Roughnecks are in their 101st season and one of the school’s biggest stars, James Ray Smith, 90, reflects on his nine-year, pro career and his illustrious collegiate and high school gridiron days.
When the discussion surrounds who is the greatest Roughnecks football player of all time, there are several names bandied about, but the debate must begin with Smith.
The 1950 graduate of West Columbia High School is the only Roughneck to be an All American in college and a three-time NFL All-Pro first team selection.

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